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in our CHURCH

Worship Sundays at 11 AM

Adult Education Wednesday Nights

Intergenerational Activities

Children's Sunday School

Vacation Bible School

Youth Group

Peace Garden Conversations

Potlucks & Parties


We believe that we are the Church wherever we go. Our members and friends serve in numerous ways:  working our daily jobs, 
volunteering with non-profits,
showing up for social justice,
and lifting one another in prayer.


We also gladly share our building with
South Louisville Community Ministries

which serves those in need in the Beechmont area through a community food bank, rent-assistance, counseling services, and more. 


In January 2021 we opened The Learning Hub
which is a volunteer program providing educational support and enrichment and connection to social services for immigrant families in our community. 

in our WORLD

Over the years we have financially and prayerfully supported Mission Co-Workers of the PC(USA) throughout the world. While we are not currently providing financial support to one particular family, we hold all Mission Co-Workers in our prayers.


We have also supported other efforts of the PC(USA) with a global reach including the Self Development of People and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance


© 2024 by Beechmont Presbyterian Church

Beechmont Presbyterian Church | 417 W. Ashland Avenue | Louisville KY 40214

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