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PASTOR - The Rev. Marissa Galvan-Valle


Bringing Marissa on board in October 2015, was the culmination of work over the period of a year by the Pastor Nominating Committee comprised of Kevin Jett, Esther Janice Rodriguez, Deysi Aguilera, and Lionel Derenoncourt. 


Marissa and her mother, Blanca Valle, have been committed participants in the life of BPC for over fifteen years.  She was instrumental in providing interim leadership and support in all aspects of our congregational life and she has transitioned smoothly to her formal role with BPC. 


She continues to serve us on a part-time basis, while fulfilling her full-time position at PCUSA!

PARISH ASSOCIATES - The Rev. Debbie Braaksma and The Rev. KT Ockels


We are grateful to have established Honorary Parish Associate Relationships between BPC, Rev. Debbie Braaksma and Rev. K. T. Ockels. Ordained teaching elders of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) have an official ecclesiastical relationship with a Presbytery, but they are not members of any particular congregation.  Therefore, we are happy to enjoy these honorary “official” relationships with them.  BPC is grateful to Debbie & K.T. for their faithfulness, partnership, hard work and the sharing of their many talents and gifts with us!





Beechmont (BPC) partners with The Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to supervise and work with one of their students during the academic year.  Under this program, the student experiences congregational field education (FE) and deep academic reflection in a course entitled Practical Theology in Congregations (PTC).  There are weekly meetings, as well as BPC participation in two PTC class sessions each semester. This is an 8 ½ month commitment where students work approximately 14 hours per week.  BPC pays a stipend during this time of service from Mid-September through May. 


Current Student Intern is Chance Mwangomba who will be working with La Escuelita Learning Hub


We are grateful for the LPTS interns that have served with us through the years. From 2017 onward:

Kate Trigger-Duffert  *   Rick Ary   *   Viisha P. Souza  *  Cristal Encarnacion  *  Rolando Perez Velasquez  *  Abigail Lutz

BPC Session Members

Moderator:  Rev. Marissa Galvan-Valle 

Parish Associates:  Rev. Debbie Braaksma & Rev. K.T. Ockels


​Class of 2024: Wendell Brown and Sarah Hong (Clerk of Session)


Class of 2025: Brian Cubbage and Kate Trigger Duffert


Class of 2026: Galen Zavala Sherby and Comfort Siafa


If you are interested in serving as an Elder, please speak with Pastor Marissa, Sarah Hong,
Alan Magrey, or Blanca Valle, our Class of 2027 Nominating Committee. 


Board of Deacons

Daniel Braaksma

Rush Braaksma

James Evanson

Helen Hastings

Edna Spurlin


Although we have designated leaders that are mentioned on this page, our church is a working body and ALL members have a part to play in carrying out our mission and ministry. 


If you have talents to share, ideas to embody, interest in being part of a committee, and/or just want to help Beechmont be all it can be, please reach out to either our pastor, Rev. Marissa Galvan-Valle or any session member.  All hands are welcome, all hands are needed!

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